鴻海精密工業股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd.)
鴻海精密工業股份有限公司(臺灣證券交易所代碼:2317)於1974年肇基於臺灣,以模具為根基,逐漸發展為高科技服務企業。在電子代工服務領域(EMS)排名全球第一,市占率超過四成,範圍涵蓋消費性電子產品、雲端網路產品、電腦終端產品、元件及其他等四大產品領域。全球員工總人數季節性高峰約一百萬人,2021年合併營收新臺幣5.99兆元(約2,062億美元)。 鴻海事業版圖遍及全球,橫跨三大洲,以臺灣為中心,延伸發展到中國大陸、印度、日本、越南、馬來西亞、新加坡、捷克、匈牙利、斯洛伐克、美國、巴西以及墨西哥等區域,在逾20個國家及地區都有生產及服務據點。 2021年名列《財富雜誌》(Fortune) 全球500大企業排行榜第22名。2019年,鴻海榮獲《富比士雜誌》(Forbes)全球百大數字公司第25名。此外,鴻海也是台灣唯一連續五年(2018~2022)獲得科睿唯安 (Clarivate Analytics)「全球百大創新機構 (Top 100 Global Innovators)」的民營企業。 近年來,積極投入「電動車、數位健康、機器人」三大新興產業以及「人工智慧、半導體、新世代通訊技術」三項新技術領域,以「三加三」結合作為集團重要的長期發展策略,為全球標竿客戶提供完整解決方案,成為全方位智慧生活提供者。 Established in Taiwan in 1974, Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn) (TWSE: 2317) is the world’s largest electronics manufacturer. Foxconn is also the leading technological solution provider, and it continuously leverages its expertise in software and hardware to integrate its unique manufacturing systems with emerging technologies. The Group has expanded not only its capabilities into the development of electric vehicles, digital health and robotics, but also three key technologies –AI, semiconductors and new-generation communications technology – which are key to driving its long-term growth strategy and the four core product pillars: Smart Consumer Electronics, Cloud and Networking, Computing Products and Components and Others. In 2023, Hon Hai‘s annual revenue reached USD 198 billion. The company has established R&D and manufacturing centers in other markets around the world including China, India, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Czech Republic, U.S. and more. With a focus on research and development, the company owns more than 57,729 patents. In addition to maximizing value-creation for customers who include many of the world’s leading technology companies, Foxconn is also dedicated to championing environmental sustainability in the manufacturing process and serving as a best-practices model for global enterprises. The company has received widespread international accolades and recognition since its establishment. The company ranked 27th on the Fortune Global 500 rankings in 2023 and 25th in the Top 100 Digital Companies in the Forbes ranking of the World’s Best Employers in 2019. Moreover, on Forbes’ World’s Best Employers 2021 rankings, the company ranked 1st in Taiwan. Foxconn is also the only Taiwanese private company awarded for 7 consecutive years of Clarivate Top 100 Global Innovators (2018 ~ 2024).
6U CubeSat Platform系統設計與實際操作 ( 6U CubeSat Platform system design and practical operation )
這個專題計劃旨在利用立方衛星在軌道上所蒐集到的各種數據,包括電力(如電壓、電流)、姿勢(太陽向量、磁場方向)以及各次健康系統的狀態(如溫度等),並結合升空前整測記錄、地面備援次系統的實際操作結果,分析太空環境狀態,與其對儀器的影響,並可以提供在軌運行衛星的操作建議,建立未來6U 通訊立方衛星系統任務、整合設計的可行架構,更進一步最佳化目前開發的飛行軟體、地面控制軟體,以幫助未來立方衛星可更快速、精準的執行任務。