

川升股份有限公司(BWant Co., Ltd)

川升股份有限公司(BWant Co., Ltd)


川升股份有限公司(BWant Co., Ltd)


川升 (BWant) 創立於2012年初, 秉持「精準量測」、「高效率」、「客製化開發」的堅持。針對客戶多樣的產品測試需求開發無線通訊量測系統, 同時也提供量測服務,有效協助客戶加速各項通訊產品之開發,我們的工程研發團隊以超過十年以上的天線開發實務為基礎,進一步結合國際大廠之量測儀器,彈性地針對客戶多樣的產品測試需求開發出之一系列具備直覺性操作界面的量測系統,有效協助客戶加速各項通訊產品之開發。 2023年,川升推出完整的 M 系列 OTA 量測系統,無論小至 AiP、中至智慧手機與筆記型電腦,大至衛星/酬載,都能提供最適當的解決方案。 BWant was established in early 2012 with the vision of "Make MIT antennas be famous in the world", and is committed to developing automatic antenna measurement systems and algorithms. Over the years, BWant has adhered to the insistence of "Only when the measurement is accurate, can the R&D be done well", and customize the corresponding measurement system according to the needs of each customer. In addition, BWant also provides measurement services. Based on more than ten years of antenna research and development experience, our R&D team further combines with the measurement instruments of major international manufacturers to flexibly develop a series of measurement systems with intuitive operation interfaces for customers’diverse product testing needs, effectively assist customers in accelerating the development of various communication products. In 2023, BWant had launched M-series OTA measurement systems, whether AiP, phones, NBs, or as large as the satellite/payload, BWant can provide the most appropriate solution. BWant will be your best technology partner!


衛星追星演算法開發 ( Satellite Tracking Algorithm Development )

衛星距離地面遠微波訊號路徑衰減大,所以需要指向型天線來提升收訊強度。為求天線輻射涵蓋角度能涵蓋整個收訊範圍,必須使用機械式馬達或電子式零件來控制天線輻射場型,如果是低軌衛星及海事應用,還要考慮衛星移動及船舶的移動效應,另外還需補償溫度所造成的特性偏移。本專題會透過 OTA 模擬衛星運行模式,規劃不同輻射場型天線、微波元件及感應器,利用 FPGA 或 MCU 完成衛星追星系統,此專題會接觸到的研發主題如下所列: a. 使用 OTA 軌道模擬衛星應用場景 b. FPGA 及 MCU 控制衛星天線系統 c. 電子式相控陣列天線校正及量測


0008 - 國立中央大學 icon
0022 - 國立臺灣科技大學 icon
0005 - 國立成功大學 icon
0025 - 國立臺北科技大學 icon
元智大學 icon