

驊陞科技股份有限公司(Wieson Technologies Co., Ltd.)

驊陞科技股份有限公司(Wieson Technologies Co., Ltd.)


驊陞科技股份有限公司(Wieson Technologies Co., Ltd.)


優秀的員工是公司最大的資產。對於持續成長的驊陞來說,最主要的責任莫過於提供優良的工作環境以及完善的福利制度,讓員工可以盡其所能的發揮長才,驊陞科技集團永遠為優秀的人才在作準備,歡迎有志精英抱著理想一起進入驊陞共創科技新紀元。 Wieson Group has three major business units. Interconnected components, wireless components and automotive electronic products. The market covers major fields such as, computers, communications, consumer electronics, medical, industrial control and automobiles. Wieson has been committed to the development of electromechanical integration technology for more than 30 years, and we are continuously improving through innovation. With excellent research and development capabilities, we provide customers with standardized products and customized development services. We integrate automated production equipment to continuously improve quality and efficiency. We aim to become the best partner for customers! We focus on providing product solutions for seven major market applications.



1. 行政院於一百十一年三月十一日核定修正無線電頻率供應計畫,無線電頻率為全體國民共享之資源,行政院指定機關對於無線電頻率之規劃與管理,應確保無線電頻率之和諧有效使用,符合公眾便利性、公共利 益及必要性。並經交通部於同年三月十八日公告,規劃釋出 10.7 ~ 12.7 GHz、13.75 ~ 14.5 GHz、 17.7 ~ 20.2 GHz 及 27.5 ~ 30.0 GHz 等頻率。 2. 衛星地面網路的接收天線,必須具備多頻段、輻射場型具方向性、高增益、窄波束寬及雙極化的特性。


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